Spin-orbit torque switching of ultralarge-thickness ferrimagnetic GdFeCo

Niklas Roschewsky, Charles-Henri Lambert, Sayeef Salahuddin
2017 Physical review B  
So far, studies of spin-orbit torques (SOT) in ferromagnets with perpendicular magnetic anisotropy (PMA) have been restricted to ultra thin samples, while a systematic study of its thickness dependence is still lacking in literature. In this article we discuss the thickness dependence of SOT in GdFeCo samples with bulk PMA. We show that the effective SOT fields are decreasing inversely as a function of thickness while the spin-Hall angle stays constant, as expected from angular momentum
more » ... tion. Further we show that even 30nm thick GdFeCo samples can be switched with SOT. This has important technological implications as the switching efficiency does not depend on the thickness. Finally, we investigate the composition dependence of SOT in 30nm thick GdFeCo samples and find that the spin torque effective field diverges at the magnetization compensation point.
doi:10.1103/physrevb.96.064406 fatcat:3dmn2hljgjbanady63f2q74ohe