Expanding the Innovation Practice Education to College Students from a Key Point

Yubo Liu, Xinkuan Liu, Xiao Liu, Tianhao Zhu, Zhaorong Shi, Dengguang Yu
2018 Proceedings of the 2018 2nd International Conference on Economic Development and Education Management (ICEDEM 2018)   unpublished
The innovation practice capability is one of the most important factors that determines the college students' comprehensive qualities. However, how to improve students' innovation practice capability is a major issue to their teachers. In this report, a strategy is shown on how to train students. Starting from a key point -one kind of advanced nanotechnology (electrospinning), the college students can effectively experience the whole processes of theoretical education about fundamental
more » ... , engineering education about working process of electrospinning, and data treatment and paper writing education. After this kind of scientific innovation education, the students should understand some key aspects and the right way about how to improve their practice capability, how to carry out the innovation practice, and how to improve their comprehensive quality.
doi:10.2991/icedem-18.2018.16 fatcat:tklqqnw4szde7m44nirulviyii