Screening of Verticillium lecanii (Lecanicillium spp.) Hybrid Strains Based on Evaluation of Pathogenicity against Cotton Aphid and Greenhouse Whitefly, and Viability on the Leaf Surface
ワタアブラムシ,オンシツコナジラミに対する病原性と葉面上での生存能力に基づいたVerticillium lecanii(Lecanicillium spp.)プロトプラスト融合株の選抜

Daigo Aiuchi, Yukiko Baba, Keigo Inami, Ryoji Shinya, Masayuki Tani, Katuhisa Kuramochi, Sayaka Horie, Masanori Koike
2007 Nihon oyo dobutsu konchu gakkaishi  
doi:10.1303/jjaez.2007.205 fatcat:l2dy56zcenaj7a4aaganhhwcbi