3A15 周期構造を有するミリ波帯導波型液晶デバイス(フォトニクス・光デバイス)
3A15 Liquid Crystal Waveguide with a Periodic Structure in the Millimeter-Wave Region

Masaki TANAKA, Susumu SATO
2002 Preprints of symposium on liquid crystals  
The planar waveguide with a periodic structure , which is composed of a nematic liquid crystal ( LC ) and dielectric materials , is proposed as the electrically controlled millimeter − wave devices . The miHimeter − wave transmission properties ofthe LC waveguide are measured at 50GHz band and calculated using the finite − difference time − domain ( FDTD ) method . The influence of the applied voltage on the transmission
doi:10.11538/ekitou.2002.0_217 fatcat:hwu4kwvb6fdofm5y27y7fui544