Hiremath parameshwar, Dr. Shashi Bhushan Sahu
2020 Journal of Bio Innovation  
Nidra gives nourishment to the body, keeping us away from the diseases. Nidra is one which helps to attain longevity, memory, intelligence, and freedom from illness. And maintenance of youthfulness, excellence of luster, complexion, voice, optimum development of physique and sense organs, mastery over phonetics, and brilliance. It is also helpful to increase the immunity of the person to keep him away from the disease, also reverses the disease processes and prevents the reoccurrence. So Nidra
more » ... s one important upasthambha that is described in Ayurveda. Sleep is the periodic state of rest of mind with closed eyes characterised by partial or complete loss of consciousness. Loss of consciousness leads to decreased response to external stimuli and decreased body movements. Depth of sleep is not constant thought the sleeping period. Sleep is needed for well life and it is proved by researches. Here an attempt is made to describe the importance of Nidra (Sleep) and to enumerate its utility as upasthambha.
doi:10.46344/jbino.2020.v09i03.08 fatcat:4xqigb74arax5dbtjn3fnssqte