Controlling Disinfection By-Products Formation in Rainwater: Technologies and Trends

Djamel Ghernaout, Noureddine Elboughdiri
2020 OALib  
With an augmenting lack of pure water, rainwater has been viewed as an invaluable substitutional potable water fountain. The methods implemented for rainwater treatment are in control of the safety of potable water. Researchers examined various disinfection methods to estimate the monitoring of disinfection by-products (DBPs) generation. The tried disinfection techniques involved chlorination and chloramination, pre-oxidation by potassium permanganate (KMnO 4 ) and potassium ferrate (K 2 FeO 4
more » ... , ultraviolet/hydrogen peroxide (UV/H 2 O 2 ), and ultraviolet/persulfate (UV/PS) methods. In spite of low contaminants existing in rainwater comparatively with surface water, the same findings are mostly obtained in terms of DBPs production and control procedures using the above-mentioned technologies. Employing granular activated carbon post-treatment could greatly reduce the concentrations and poisonous effects of DBPs. Moreover, secure multi-barrier techniques, like distillation and membrane processes, remain to be suggested, tested and industrially encouraged.
doi:10.4236/oalib.1106162 fatcat:mwf25tl6inartcmszbk4izqr34