The Fine‐Structure Lines of Hydrogen in HiiRegions

Brian Dennison, B. E. Turner, Anthony H. Minter
2005 Astrophysical Journal  
The 2s_1/2 state of hydrogen is metastable and overpopulated in HII regions. In addition, the 2p states may be pumped by ambient Lyman-alpha radiation. Fine structure transitions between these states may be observable in HII regions at 1.1 GHz (2s_1/2-2p_1/2) and/or 9.9 GHz (2s_1/2-2p_3/2), although the details of absorption versus emission are determined by the relative populations of the 2s and 2p states. The n=2 level populations are solved with a parameterization that allows for Lyman-alpha
more » ... pumping of the 2p states. The density of Lyman-alpha photons is set by their creation rate, easily determined from the recombination rate, and their removal rate. Here we suggest that the dominant removal mechanism of Lyman-alpha radiation in HII regions is absorption by dust. This circumvents the need to solve the Lyman-alpha transfer problem, and provides an upper limit to the rate at which the 2p states are populated by Lyman-alpha photons. In virtually all cases of interest, the 2p states are predominantly populated by recombination, rather than Lyman-alpha pumping. We then solve the radiative transfer problem for the fine structure lines in the presence of free-free radiation. In the likely absence of Lyman-alpha pumping, the 2s_1/2-2p_1/2 lines will appear in stimulated emission and the 2s_1/2-2p_3/2 lines in absorption. Searching for the 9.9 GHz lines in high emission measure HII regions offers the best prospects for detection. The lines are predicted to be weak; in the best cases, line-to-continuum ratios of several tenths of a percent might be expected with line strengths of tens to a hundred mK with the Green Bank Telescope.
doi:10.1086/462402 fatcat:3l5y44iwfvf4jbwkpki7gvjh2m