Apple growing potentials in Europe. 2. Flowering dates

H.G. Kronenberg
1985 Netherlands Journal of Agricultural Science  
A method of calculating flowering dates of apple in Europe is presented, based on dates of fulfilment of the cold requirement, temperature sums and minimum temperature per month. Calculated and reported dates were compared. With the exception of the most southern part of the growing area an acceptable agreement was found. Differences between both values were less than 5 days in 65% of the cases, which is less than 2.5-5% of the duration of the period that apples are hanging on the trees. [For
more » ... rt 1 see Horticultural Abstracts 50, 2376.] (Abstract retrieved from CAB Abstracts by CABI's permission)
doi:10.18174/njas.v33i1.16870 fatcat:n7qj4sx4y5hkndb6m6tsnf7y5u