Optical Bistability in Monolithic Two-sectioned InAs/InP Quantum-dash Laser

E. Alkhazraji, Mohd Alias, M. Khan
2019 Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Photonics, Optics and Laser Technology  
Observation of optical bistability in a two-section InAs/InP quantum dash laser is reported. The hysteresis in the optical power-injection current (L-I) characteristics is found to vary with the absorber reverse bias condition. A reverse bias of −0.8 (0) V to the saturable absorber, a hysteresis of 32 (24) mW is measured when the injection current through the gain section is swept forward and backward. Moreover, the bistability is further affirmed through investigation of the lasing emission spectra at specific operating points.
doi:10.5220/0007365100360038 dblp:conf/photoptics/AlkhazrajiAK19 fatcat:i2tdtm7z3ba4hneb6adhqjl55m