Process of Deinstitutionalization of Children at Risk in Bulgaria

Venelin Terziev, Ekaterina Arabska
2016 Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences  
In recent years in Bulgaria the type of institutional care for children at risk is changing giving priority to family and close to family environment. The will to implement this process of all involved responsible agencies, institutions and non-governmental organizations has found expression in a number of regulations, strategic and program documents, as well as innovative and successful practices. Economic, political and social changes that accompany the transition has led to new problems and
more » ... xacerbated existing problems. Current study makes analyses of the national strategy for deinstitutionalization of children and concludes on important recommendations concerning national policy development. The policy should be based on the respect of child rights, norms, standards and principles of universality, indivisibility and nondiscrimination, while characterized by high sensitivity, flexibility and preparedness to meet the challenges. It is important and necessary to develop a policy that will not only offer appropriate care for children at risk in the short term, but will prevent similar problems in the future.
doi:10.1016/j.sbspro.2016.10.130 fatcat:vc6d5efokrgavcm7xs5ckiqumq