A Switched-Element System Based Direction of Arrival (DOA) Estimation Method for Un-Cooperative Wideband Orthogonal Frequency Division Multi Linear Frequency Modulation (OFDM-LFM) Radar Signals

Yifei Liu, Yuan Zhao, Jun Zhu, Jun Wang, Bin Tang
2019 Sensors  
This paper proposes a switched-element direction finding (SEDF) system based Direction of Arrival (DOA) estimation method for un-cooperative wideband Orthogonal Frequency Division Multi Linear Frequency Modulation (OFDM-LFM) radar signals. This method is designed to improve the problem that most DOA algorithms occupy numbers of channel and computational resources to handle the direction finding for wideband signals. Then, an iterative spatial parameter estimator is designed through deriving the
more » ... analytical steering vector of the intercepted OFDM-LFM signal by the SEDF system, which can remarkably mitigate the dispersion effect that is caused by high chirp rate. Finally, the algorithm flow and numerical simulations are given to corroborate the feasibility and validity of our proposed DOA method.
doi:10.3390/s19010132 fatcat:ph7y44e7cbhmlmox2p5u5t3dcu