NFC Technology Payment System for Android Operation System

Taweechai Anguranak
2015 Journal of Software  
This purpose of this research was the usage of NFC Technology which installed on the smart phones under the android operation system. It was used for paying bills which used at computer labs of computer science and technology program like printing charges: A4 color, and black and white. By using the android smart phones that supported with NFC Technology, students could touch onto the ACR122U desktop reader which connected to computers for send students' ID information to an application for
more » ... ent. As the result of system test by using the smart phones, Samsung Galaxy Nexus could pay the service charges at computer's labs. The assessment of efficiency was conducted by using a developed system from the data of questionnaires by asking 15 users. The total results show that the average of users equals 4.20, and the standard deviation equals 0.44. This developed system showed a very good quality, and in the result available to use.
doi:10.17706//jsw.10.11.1265-127 fatcat:arwqpxuu7rbznh7f7nwggqt5uy