KNOME: Modeling What the User Knows in UC [chapter]

David N. Chin
1989 User Models in Dialog Systems  
KNOME is the user modeling component of UC, a natural language consultation system for the UNIX operating system. During the course of an interactive session with a user, KNOME infers the user's level of expertise from the dialog and maintains a model of the user's knowledge of the UNIX domain. KNOME's model of the user makes use of a double-stereotype system in which one set of stereotypes represents the user's expertise and another represents the difficulty level of the information. KNOME is
more » ... sed in UC to help: disambiguate the user's statements, avoid telling the user something that the user already knows, take advantage of prior user knowledge in presenting new information, and detect situations where the user lacks pertinent facts or where the user has a misconception. UC also models its own knowledge of UNIX with metaknowledge (explicit facts about the limitations of the system's own knowledge base), which is used to help in correcting user misconceptions.
doi:10.1007/978-3-642-83230-7_4 fatcat:xzvi4pgzordkjnfbzwvzzwmidq