Improved Resolution-Based Method for Satisfiability Checking Formulas of the Language L [chapter]

Anatoly Chebotarev, Sergey Krivoi
Perspectives of Systems Informatics  
The language L is used for specifying finite automata, and is a fragment of a first order language with monadic predicates. Checking specification for satisfiability plays an important role in the development of reactive algorithms. Restricted syntax of this language and interpreting it over the integers make it possible to substantially improve resolution-based methods for satisfiability checking. This has been done in previous papers devoted to R-and S-resolution. In this paper, we present
more » ... another improvement based on the restriction of the type of atoms upon which the resolution is allowed.
doi:10.1007/978-3-540-70881-0_38 dblp:conf/ershov/ChebotarevK06 fatcat:7kqmj3xr7jg5nbka4dx22cy5za