Is this you?

Anthony Quattrone, Tanusri Bhattacharya, Lars Kulik, Egemen Tanin, James Bailey
2014 Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Multimedia - MUM '14  
Mobile smart phones capture a great amount of information about a user across a variety of different data domains. This information can be sensitive and allow for identifying a user profile, thus causing potential threats to a user's privacy. Our work shows that diagnostic information that is not considered sensitive, could be used to identify a user after just three consecutive days of monitoring. We have used the Device Analyzer dataset to determine what features of a mobile device are
more » ... nt in identifying a user. Many mobile games and applications collect diagnostic data as a means of identifying or resolving issues. Diagnostic data is commonly accepted as less sensitive information. Our experimental results demonstrate that using only diagnostic features like hardware statistics and system settings, a user's device can be identified at an accuracy of 94% with a Naive Bayes classifier.
doi:10.1145/2677972.2677999 dblp:conf/mum/QuattroneBKTB14 fatcat:2s3v3fx6njaqhnviziderqodna