Multicolor Photometry of the Uranus Irregular Satellites Sycorax and Caliban

Michele Maris, Giovanni Carraro, Gabriele Cremonese, Marco Fulle
2001 Astronomical Journal  
We report on accurate BVRI photometry for the two Uranus irregular satellites Sycorax and Caliban. We derive colours, showing that Sycorax is bluer than Caliban. Our data allows us to detect a significant variability in the Caliban's light-curve, which suggests an estimated period of about 3 hours. Despite it is the brighter of the two bodies, Sycorax does not display a strong statistically significant variability. However our data seem to suggest a period of about 4 hours
doi:10.1086/320378 fatcat:46m57mjfkvddpc3xtosqltr3oa