
Sushree Sangeeta Kar, Manju Agrawala
2018 Journal of Evidence Based Medicine and Healthcare  
BACKGROUND Sleep is necessary for survival. Sleep quality should be good enough in addition to total time spent in bed. Women are particularly vulnerable between menarche and menopause as within this period, they are under the cyclical influence oestrogen and progesterone during each menstrual cycle. This is an observational, cross-sectional study to know the sleep quality in women between 18 to 22 years of age by PSQI questionnaire and to suggest means to improve the same. MATERIALS AND
more » ... The study was carried out among the female students of first and second semester M.B.B.S. and B.D.S. curriculum of S.C.B. Medical and Dental college (n=75). Study period was from February 2018 to May 2018. The female students were asked to answer the PSQI questionnaire for two calendar months which corresponded roughly to two menstrual cycles of the participants. The sleep quality was assessed by the global scoring system of PSQI after evaluating all its seven components. Scores were calculated for the follicular and luteal phases separately. The observations were recorded carefully. These were analysed statistically using SPSS 20 version. RESULTS This study shows that 60% of women are good sleepers and 40% are bad sleepers in follicular phase. Similarly, 30.67% are good sleepers and 69.33% are bad sleepers in luteal phase. The reasons are different according to the phase of menstrual cycle. CONCLUSION Women don't sleep similar to men nor do they sleep similar on all the days of their menstrual cycle. Awareness of this among the women population, change in life style and seeking medical help whenever necessary is helpful in them. KEYWORDS Menstrual Cycle, PSQI Questionnaire, Sleep. HOW TO CITE THIS ARTICLE: Kar SS, Agrawala M. A study on sleep quality during different phases of menstrual cycle among medical students.
doi:10.18410/jebmh/2018/499 fatcat:xw2sldikhja4fnhkizipdjcmp4