Plants Used for Biomonitoring and Phytoremediation of Trace Elements in Soil and Water [chapter]

Oksana Sytar, Marian Brestic, Nataliya Taran, Marek Zivcak
2016 Plant Metal Interaction  
The study aims to find the variation of rhizhosphere microbes under various industrial effluents of organic and inorganic origin for phytoremediation. Four different types of effluents (dairy, chemical, rare earth, latex) and two types of plants (emergent, floating) were used. The root microbes were found highest in roots of emergent plants than the floating plants. The increase in biomass was highest in dairy effluent (organic) in emergent plants. The study provides a candidate species for the phytoremediation of different types of effluents.
doi:10.1016/b978-0-12-803158-2.00014-x fatcat:l7bmvdydmvcrtbvc7ed54p6pua