Catalytic reduction of nitric oxide with carbon monoxide on copper-cobalt oxides supported on nano-titanium dioxide

Xia CHEN, Junfeng ZHANG, Yan HUANG, Zhiquan TONG, Ming HUANG
2009 Journal of Environmental Sciences(China)  
A series of copper-cobalt oxides supported on nano-titanium dioxide were prepared for the reduction of nitric oxide with carbon monoxide and characterized using techniques such as XRD, BET and TPR. Catalyst CuCoOx/TiO 2 with Cu/Co molar ratio of 1/2, Cu-Co total loading of 30% at the calcination temperature of 350°C formed CuCo 2 O 4 spinel and had the highest activity. NO conversion reached 98.9% at 200°C. Mechanism of the reduction was also investigated, N 2 O was mainly yielded below 100°C,
more » ... hile N 2 was produced instead at higher temperature. O 2 was supposed to accelerate the reaction between NOx and CO for its oxidation of NO to give more easily reduced NO 2 , but the oxidation of CO by O 2 to CO 2 decreased the speed of the reaction greatly. Either SO 2 or H 2 O had no adverse impact on the activity of NO reduction; however, in the presence of both SO 2 and H 2 O, the catalyst deactivated quickly. the catalytic activity toward NO reduction with CO by Cu-Co metal oxides supported by nano-TiO 2 (CuCoOx/TiO 2 ), as nano-TiO 2 has a high surface area and good resistance against H 2 O and SO 2 . As far as we know, the catalyst CuCoOx/TiO 2 has not been used in any reactions between NO and CO.
doi:10.1016/s1001-0742(08)62418-3 pmid:19999980 fatcat:ohzitjodurhspbgotaw4fdz7dm