First record of Lagocephalus guentheri Miranda Riberio 1915 (Tetraodontiformes: Tetraodontidae) from the West Coast of India

Subhrendu Sekhar Mishra, Priyankar Chakraborty, Saresh Chandra Saren, Anwesha Sengupta
2018 Records of the Zoological Survey of India  
A puffer fish, Lagocephalus guentheri Miranda Riberio, 1915, is recorded for the first time from the west coast of India. Three individuals were collected from three different states, Gujarat, Maharashtra and Kerala, with other materials. Brief notes on diagnostic characters of the species and distinction between all species of the genus Lagocephalus in form of a working key to species is presented in this paper.
doi:10.26515/rzsi/v118/i1/2018/122386 fatcat:3jqdxk3dubdndlgi3aaaha3ifq