Influence of Emotions on IT-driven Payment Process Design: Shorter, Simpler, and Riskier

Yevgen Bogodistov, Jürgen Moormann
2019 International Conference on Information Systems  
Due to technological advances, there are now numerous payment types. The emergence of smartphones has allowed new players, such as large technology and telecommunication enterprises, to enter the market. The new players aim to integrate their payment services into customers' processes and make the buying experience pleasant in order to avoid cancellations of buying activities. However, the design of a payment process is influenced by the people who were given the task to model the process. This
more » ... paper sheds light on how the affective states of individuals, such as process users and process designers, influence their decisions concerning the payment process structure. With two experiments, we show that in a state of fear, participants prefer less complex (i.e. short) but riskier payment processes. At the same time, when processes are equally complex but differ in degrees of security, participants tend to choose the payment process with a higher degree of security.
dblp:conf/icis/BogodistovM19 fatcat:vnx4sbjg2bhedjabimowvntmxq