Plasma Virtual Actuators for Flow Control

Kwing-So Choi, Timothy N. Jukes, Richard D. Whalley, Lihao Feng, Jinjun Wang, Takayuki Matsunuma, Takehiko Segawa
2015 Journal of Flow Control Measurement and Visualization  
Dielectric-barrier-discharge (DBD) plasma actuators are all-electric devices with no moving parts. They are made of a simple construction, consisting only of a pair of electrodes sandwiching a dielectric sheet. When AC voltage is applied, air surrounding the upper electrode is ionized, which is attracted towards the charged dielectric surface to form a wall jet. Control of flow over land and air vehicles as well as rotational machinery can be carried out using this jet flow on demand. Here we
more » ... view recent developments in plasma virtual actuators for flow control that can replace conventional actuators for better aerodynamic performance.
doi:10.4236/jfcmv.2015.31003 fatcat:xy5ztsbdarh3vpnfwoz4lc6jwq