Logibot: Investigating Engagement and Development of Computational Thinking Through Virtual Reality

Robert Sims, Nathan Rutherford, Prashanthy Sukumaran, Nikola Yotov, Thomas Smith, Abhijit Karnik
2021 2021 7th International Conference of the Immersive Learning Research Network (iLRN)   unpublished
In this study we assess the effects of teaching fundamental programming concepts through a virtual reality (VR) block-based programming application and its impact on engagement. As a comparison study, participants played an existing desktop-based game (LightBot) and the developed VR game (LogiBot) covering similar gameplay mechanics and blockbased programming. Initial results indicate that traditional desktop applications are currently more engaging than VR for teaching programming. We thus
more » ... tify the need for careful design of interaction methods to support ease of use and reward factors to promote engagement in VR-based learning applications beyond the initial wow-factor.
doi:10.23919/ilrn52045.2021.9459352 fatcat:omnuunv5dvegrbjtshryvfae3e