Taming Faraday waves in binary fermionic clouds: The effect of Zeeman interaction

P. Díaz, L.M. Pérez, L.I. Reyes, D. Laroze, J. Bragard
2021 Chaos, Solitons & Fractals  
This work presents a study of the Faraday instability in a parametrically forced Fermi-Fermi mixture. The condensate is confined in the transversal spatial dimension with a strong parametric confinement potential and in the longitudinal spatial dimension with a weaker potential. The theoretical description is done using the mean-field theory with two amplitude equations that represent each spin state. In order to stabilize the Faraday patterns, a phenomenological damping term is introduced. The
more » ... influence of the Zeeman interaction is analyzed in detail. In particular, phase diagrams of the existence and stability of the Faraday waves are calculated as a function of the Zeeman interaction, the coupling parameter, and the forcing amplitude. The degree of segregation of the two fields and their synchronization level is also calculated as a function of the Zeeman parameter. In addition, we examine how the pattern wavelength varies as a function of the Zeeman parameter and the forcing frequency.
doi:10.1016/j.chaos.2021.111416 fatcat:nmknbclfpjfzhdz66w3nruftza