Changing Demographics in Election Administration [chapter]

Shauna Dozier
2019 The Future of Election Administration  
Over the last 15-20 years, the election administration profession has emerged from its status as an understudied area of public administration. At the same time, there has also been a demographic, cultural, and generational shift among election administration professionals. While some have embraced the shift, others have been resistant resulting in the exposure of beliefs and behaviors that are ageist, sexist, and racist. This case presents the experience of a 17-year career professional in the
more » ... field who is both a woman and African American. Discussed here are both the mentorship and professional development training opportunities which have helped her navigate the field and the barriers and challenges that she continues to face as an election administration professional.
doi:10.1007/978-3-030-18541-1_9 fatcat:dh7i7x7le5fvfafhza2m6tq2um