Photoproduction of D* and jets at H1

Zlatka Georgieva Staykova
2010 Proceedings of XVIII International Workshop on Deep-Inelastic Scattering and Related Subjects — PoS(DIS 2010)   unpublished
Photoproduction events containing a charmed meson D * ± and two jets were investigated with the H1 detector using the HERA II data sample. The D * meson was reconstructed in the decay channel, D * ± → D 0 π ± → K ∓ π ± π ± . Jets were reconstructed using the inclusive k t algorithm and were selected if they have transverse momenta p t (jet) > 3.5 GeV. One of the jets was associated with the D * meson itself, such that the jet originating from the parent charmed quark as the meson can be tagged.
more » ... The phase space of the measurement is limited within central rapidity for the D * meson and the D * jet , |η| < 1.5 while the second jet was measured within, −1.5 < η < 2.9. Single differential cross sections and double differential distributions were measured and compared to Leading Order Monte Carlo (MC) event generators, PYTHIA and CASCADE and with the Nextto-Leading order MC generator MC@NLO
doi:10.22323/1.106.0179 fatcat:xgexaieqrvhbhivvh35kt4zbau