Severe digestive pathology associated with chronic Chaga's disease in Ecuador: report of two cases

Angel G. Guevara, José W. Eras, Marcelo Recalde, Luis Vinueza, Philip J. Cooper, Ali Ouaissi, Ronald H. Guderian
1997 Revista da Sociedade Brasileira de Medicina Tropical  
DNA extracted from peripheral blood of two Ecuadorian patients showing severe digestive pathology was amplified by the polymerase chain reaction using a Trypanosoma cruzi specific oligonucleotide primers derived from the primary sequence of a cDNA encoding for a 24 kDa excretory/secretory protein. The positive PCR results together with the clinical findings confirmed that both patients had a digestive pathology due to Chagas' disease. This pathology could be more frequent than previously
more » ... ed in the chagasic endemic regions of Andean countries.
doi:10.1590/s0037-86821997000500007 pmid:9322425 fatcat:l2rpz7u5vrejthq3zmsc5naxnm