Peer-led Theoretically Desinged HIV/AIDS Prevention Intervention Among Students: A Case Of Health Belief Model [post]

Hoda Joorbonyan, Ghaffari Mohtasham, Rakhshanderou Sakineh
2021 unpublished
Background & Aim: HIV/AIDS is one of the most dangerous viruses known in the world. In addition, considering its fatality rate and high cost of care, it is a serious threat to the health and economy of social communities. Adolescents are one of the high-risk groups. One of the most effective ways to prevent this disease is to promote healthcare, raise awareness, and change health-related beliefs and attitudes. This study aims at determining the effect of peer education, based on the health
more » ... f model, on the preventative measures against AIDS adopted by girls. Methods & Materials: In this empirical-interventionist study two schools were randomly selected, one of which was considered as the intervention group and the other as the control group. The classes were also randomly selected and 80 students from each school took part in the project following the entry criterion. A questionnaire with acceptable validity and reliability was used to collect data. In this study a few bright students were chosen as peer educators after being trained. The intervention group received 4 sessions of 60-minute education through training, lectures, question and answer, and group discussion. The posttest was administered two months after the treatment. The data was fed into the SPSS 16. Finally, T-test, Chi-Square, and ANCOVA were employed to analyze the data. 2 Results: The average scores obtained from the intervention group and the control group were not significantly different in terms of awareness level, perceived susceptibility, perceived severity, perceived benefits, perceived barriers, perceived self-efficacy, behavioral intention, and pre-intervention behavior (P˃0.05). Two months after the intervention there was a significant increase in the average scores of all the variables in the experimental group (P>0.05). However, there was no significant change in the scores of the control group (P>0.05). Conclusion: Following a health belief model focusing on peer eduaction among high school girls, the intervention eduaction can affect awareness level, susceptibility, severity, benefits, perceived barriers, perceived self-efficacy, behavioral intention, and finally avoidance of high-risk behavior.
doi:10.21203/ fatcat:xeawjzafhnddhf3j3rw4pkkjfu