Role of Aspiration Cytology in Intraocular and Periorbital Adnexal Lesions

Anupama P Gupta, Department of Pathology, Government Medical College, Nagpur, India,, Dharitri M Bhat, Suprita P Nayak, Aanchal Lohiya, Vrushali Mahajan, D T Kumbhalkar
2021 Journal of medical sciences and health  
Ophthalmic pathology including orbital, intraocular, and periorbital is unique. Wide spectrum of infections and neoplasia; benign as well as malignant are seen in this area. Many neoplastic conditions mimic non-neoplastic inflammatory conditions and needs differentiation before definitive therapy. Cytology is a simple, safe and fairly accurate technique for differentiating inflammatory from neoplastic and benign from malignant conditions thus avoiding more invasive surgical biopsies in these
more » ... icate areas. Present study was aimed to evaluate the role of fine needle aspiration as a tool in diagnosis of intra orbital and peri ocular adnexal lesions. Material and Method: FNAC was performed in a series of 20 patients presenting with intra orbital and peri ocular adnexal masses after clinical and radiological evaluation. Smears were analysed by a cytologist and histopathological confirmation was done as indicated. Results : The age ranged from 19 to 70 years. Male: Female ratio was 11:9. Of 20 cases, 03; 04; 03; 10 were infective, benign cystic lesions, benign neoplastic and malignant respectively. Of malignancies 02; 03; 02; 01; 01; 01 were of basal cell carcinoma, sebaceous carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, adenoid cystic carcinoma, micro cystic adnexal carcinoma and diffuse large B cell lymphoma respectively. Confirmation was done in 16 /20 cases. Concordance rate of FNAC with histologic diagnosis was 100% in broadly classifying them into infective, benign cystic, benign neoplastic and malignant neoplastic pathology. However, histopathology and Flow cytometry was helpful in subclassifying them in select cases.
doi:10.46347/jmsh.2021.v07i03.006 fatcat:qkghzbv5efcqnol265y6qenpty