Scientific Papers Series Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and Rural Development AGRO-FOOD TRADE POSITION IN ROMANIA'S FOREIGN TRADE

Agatha Popescu
The purpose of the paper was the analysis of the agro-food foreign trade position in Romania's foreign trade in the period 2005-2010. Agro-food foreign trade registered a fast dynamics, its volume accounting for Euro Million 7,053 in 2010, being by 161 % higher than in 2005. Its share in Romania's foreign trade increased from 3.02 % in 2005 to 8.36 % in 2010. Vegetal products are the best exported goods (52.41 %), followed by food products, beverages and tobacco (28.46 %). Romania's import is
more » ... inly dominated by food products, beverages and tobacco (40.34 %) and vegetal products (29.06 %). The EU countries are the main trade partners, accounting for about 80 % both in the export and import value. In 2010, agro-food export accounted for 8.54 % and agro-food import for 9.42 % in Romania's trade with the EU. Romania's agro-food products are mainly exported in Italy,. The agro-food trade has become a more and more efficient part of Romania's trade taking into consideration the export share in GDP, import coverage by export and export per inhabitant.