Evolutions of Competition of Multiple-Spin-Exchange Interactions and Structure in Submonolayer Solid3HeFilm Adsorbed on Grafoil

Masashi Morishita, Takeo Takagi
2001 Physical Review Letters  
For 3 He submonolayer solid adsorbed on Grafoil, the evolutions of the adsorption structure and of the competition of multiple-spin-exchange interactions with increasing areal density are discussed. The discrepancy of the heat-capacity exponent from the normal value, 22, is considered to show the strength of the competition. We give various discussions to explain the density dependence of the competition, the sudden change of the exchange frequency, and other observations. There we propose the
more » ... tructural phase diagram constructed from the simulations and the possible zero-point vacancies.
doi:10.1103/physrevlett.87.185301 fatcat:4c25nheqs5fgdhew4e3lltx5am