Fluid balance and dehydration in futsal players: goalkeepers vs. field players. (Reposición hídrica y deshidratación en jugadores de fútbol sala: porteros vs. jugadores de campo)

José Vicente García-Jiménez, Juan Luís Yuste, Juan José García-Pellicer
2011 Revista Internacional de Ciencias del Deporte  
Dehydration higher than 2% can adversely affect performance. The purpose of this study was to determine and to compare fluid balance in elite futsal players in relation to playing position. We tested three goalkeepers (GK) and nine field players (FP) during 3 official matches (22-24 ºC and 39.33-42% RH). Body mass changes, fluid intake (ad libitum) and urine loss were calculated. To analyze this data the statistics used are descriptive and no parametric. Sweat lost in FP (2450±774.63 ml.) was
more » ... gher than in GK (2195±557.64 ml.). Fluid intake in FP (1650.42±774.74 ml.) was higher than in GK (1205±333.31 ml.). Dehydration in GK (1.27±0.60%) was higher than FP (1.00±1.15%). There were no significant difference in body weight loss and sweat lost replaced (p>0.05) in relation to playing position. Even GK and FP dehydration status are not associated with a reduction in performance. In these players, independently of position, hydration status can be seen to maintain itself through regular substitutions and also the correct fluid intake.
doi:10.5232/ricyde2011.02201 fatcat:swa2y75c55av5gtbsvbvb54xri