Sanitary and meteorological notes

1916 Dublin Journal of Medical Science  
SANITARY AND METE()R()IA)GICAI, N()TES. VITAL STATISTICS. For four weeks ending Sat~rday, Februa~?] 26, 1!)16. IRE1,AND. THE average al).noa] death rate represented by tke deaths-exclusive of deaths of persons a(hnitted into public institutions from ~ithout the respective districts-registered in the week ended Saturday, February 26, 1916, in the Dublin Registration Area and the eighteen princil)al 1)rovincinl Urban Districts of Ireland, was 1,~.0 per |,~100 of their aggregate populatiom which
more » ... r the purposes of these returns is estimated at 1,148,468. The deuths from all causes registered in the week ended Saturday, February 26, and during the period of four weeks ended on that (late, resl)ectively, were equal to the following ammal rates per 1,000 of the population : --Nineteen Town District,s, 18.0 an(l 1.().() ; Dublin RegistratS)n Area, 20.4 and 1.()..(); Dublin City, 21.8 mM 20.(.); Belfast, 16.8 and 17.7; Cork, 15.0 and 19.5: I~ondouderry, 20.2 an(I 21.8 : Limerick, 20.3 and 21.3 ; and Waterf()r(l, .%5 and 16.2. The deaths frmn certain epidemic diseases namely, enteric fever, typhus, small-pox, meaales, scarlet fever, whoopingeough, diphtheria, dysentery, and <liarrhceal diseases--re/istered in the 19 town (listriets during tit(, week ended Sat urday. February 26th, were equal to an annual rate of 1.3 per [.IHI(). AmoJ~g the 130 death~ from all causes in Belfast were 5 from measles, 3 from scarlet fever, 4 from who~)ping-c()ugt~. 1 from diphtheria, and 4 (of chil(lren raider 2 years) fr()m (liarrh(wt an<l enteritis. The 22 deaths from all causes in ('m'k inclu(lcd l from mea~le~. Tw() of the 15 deaths fr()m all ('ause~ in Limerick were from whooping-cough. DUBLIN REGISTRATI()N AREA. The Dublin Registration Are~ consists of the City ,)f Dublil~ as extended by the Dublin Corporation Ace, 1900, together witk the Urban Districts r)f Rathmines. Pembroke, Bla(,kr()ck and Kingstown. The population of the area is 409,0t)0. that of the city being 312,747, Rathmines 3,(),541, Pembroke, 30,538, Bloekroek 9.233, and Kingstowu 16,94l. In the Dublin Registration Area 'the births registered during the week ended February 26 amounted to 166--80 boys and 86 girls, and the deaths to 170--89 males and 81 females.
doi:10.1007/bf02972478 fatcat:ottgxtrruzcnbdtc6ejofphzv4