Towards Ontology Consciousness Technologies

Alexander Moskvichev
2016 International Journal of School and Cognitive Psychology  
Opinion The consciousness problem is the main problem of the world. But we are overlook the consciousness. Obviously that the ontology hasn't а authentic man, anthropology hasn't а truthful being, psychology hasn't a genuine consciousness. Only metaphysics view has a сhance and perspective on consciousness research. But under existing conditions it isn't the scientific trend. And what can we do? We must return to platonic method (sub specie aeternitatis). The essence of the consciousness is the
more » ... idea (spirit) that is ontology condition which can be achieve by ontology consciousness technologies (OCT): Achievement the ontology sense level by means of training senses transformation and combination. Achievement the ontology perception level by means of inner vision with aspiration to fundamental reality. Regular perception of the ontology image in video, audio, metaphoric and thinking forms. Achievement the ontology understanding by means of words metaphysics interpretation on neoplatonic tradition where letter has the deep meanings. Achievement the ontology thinking by means of culturedphilosophical net-art on the base of St. Augustus «Confession». Achievement the ontology condition by means of mental-spatial induction. OCT combine the different knowledge and practice in focus of IT and ancient tradition. OCT can be base of solution the many medical and psychological problems including neuro disorder and dependence.
doi:10.4172/2469-9837.1000187 fatcat:nl6hhpgzardo7dqj3lftl4kq4m