Palatin tonsilde nadir görülen kitle: Schwannoma

Baver Samancı, Mehmet Akdağ, Ceren Derin, Seyla Bölükbaşı Samancı, Hüseyin Demir
2015 Dicle Medical Journal  
Tonsils schwannoma are benign tumors that the main symptoms difficulty swallowing and snoring, foreign body sensation, sore throat, and slow-growing. The aim of study is to describe the case of 34 years of old female who presented with a schawannoma in her left palatine tonsil of the tumor that were surgically removed transorally. There weren't any complications like recurrence until postoperation one year.
doi:10.5798/diclemedj.0921.2015.03.0593 fatcat:mumnn3gvpjhwljps53oanw2td4