Thais Flores, Nogueira Diniz
International Conference on Words and Images Studies (International Association of Word and Image Studies   unpublished
A film storyboard is a large section of the film produced beforehand. Although they are like comics, they are essentially different, serving as tools in the making of the film. They allow producers to visualize the scenes and find potential problems before they occur. Many filmmakers have storyboarded only certain scenes or haven't used them at all, but some have used it extensively in place of doing a script. This paper will examine the efficacy of the interaction between the production of
more » ... ick's Eyes Wide Shut and storyboards by Christopher Baker, mainly the ones concerning the fantastic and dreamlike atmosphere of Arthur Schnitzler's Dream Story in scenes such as Alice's dream, the mask ball and the costume shop. I will try to compare parts of the storyboard with the abovementioned scenes in order to investigate their efficacy in conveying Schnitzler's story. RESUMO: Chamamos de Storyboard uma parte significativa de um filme produzida previamente. Embora sejam como quadrinhos, são totalmente diferentes, e servem de ferramentas no fazer do filme. Permitem aos produtores visualizar cenas e encontrar possíveis problemas antes que estes ocorram. Muitos cineastas usam storyboards apenas para algumas cenas ou mesmo nunca o usam. Porém alguns têm usado storyboards extensivamente em lugar do roteiro. Este texto examina a eficácia da interação entre a produção de Eyes wide shut (De olhos bem fechados) e quadros de storyboards de Christopher Baker, principalment os que se referem à atmosfera fantástica e onírica do romance de Arthur Schnitzler, Dream Story: os sonhos de Alice, o baile de máscara e a loja de fantasias. Tentarei comparar partes da storyboard com as cenas mencionadas acima com a finalidade de investigar sua eficácia na tradução da história de Schnitzler. PALAVRAS-CHAVE: Storyboard; adaptação fílmica; Stanley Kubrick; De olhos bem fechados. 1 This text, part of a project financed by FAPEMIG and CNPq, was first presented in a Portuguese shorter version at the XI ABRALIC (July 2008 São Paulo, Brazil) and also in English at the 8 Th