The Use of Roughing Filters in Water Purification

K. Adel, M. Negm, M. Abdelrazik, E. Wahb
2014 Scientific Journal of October 6 University  
The objective of this research is to investigate the performance of various roughing filter configurations as pre-treatment for filtration process. UFRS has recorded the highest efficiency among the four RF configurations followed by the HFRS, DFRS, HFRS-IP (Hz roughing filter with inclined plates). Results revealed that the UFRS recorded average turbidity removal efficiency of 76.64, 83.02 and 87.88% at ROF 0.7m/h, 0.5m/h and 0.3m/h respectively. DFRS recorded average turbidity removal
more » ... cy of 74.90, 76.19 and 78.59% at ROF 0.7m/h, 0.5m/h and 0.3m/h respectively. HFRS recorded average turbidity removal efficiency of 73.33, 76.80 and 80.73% at ROF 0.7m/h, 0.5m/h and 0.3m/h respectively. HFRS-IP recorded average turbidity removal efficiency of 69.88, 72.87 and 74.10 % at ROF 0.7m/h, 0.5m/h and 0.3m/h respectively. All configuration handled 30NTU influent turbidity without problems.
doi:10.21608/sjou.2014.32690 fatcat:g23uuniwnvbn5jg7bfaaoevsba