Book Review Blakiston's Quiz-Compend . A compend of Pharmacy. By F. E. Stewart, M.D., Ph.S., Charter Member of the American Therapeutic Society; formerly Lecturer and Demonstrator of Materia Medica and Pharmacy, Jefferson Medical College, Medico-Chirurgical College and Woman's Medical College of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia; Quiz Master in Chemistry and Theoretical Pharmacy, Philadelphia College of Pharmacy, and Chairman of the Section on Materia Medica and Pharmacy of the American Medical Association; Associ ...

1906 Boston Medical and Surgical Journal  
of Baltimore, Md., reported a case of (a) primary tuberculosis cutis of the sole of the foot; (6) erythéme induré des scrofuleux (Bazin), accompanied by subepidermal tubercular abscesses on the body; (c) a case of the follicular type.
doi:10.1056/nejm190610041551408 fatcat:tm2x6nw65zhmhg7sfud53tj4gi