The Daily Texan [article]

University Of Texas At Austin, Austin, The University Of Texas At
By KAREN ELLIOTT N't*w> E d ito r I'niw i if. stud"fits Monday Joined the professional md am ateur spec ulators who as. weighing experience, personality, and p o litic a l policy in an effort to d e te r m in e who will capture the Republican p re s id e n tia l nomination. Althou :h most. of the students interviewed said they favored New York Cov. NYNo! R " kefeller, most believed former Vice-President Richard M. NLxon would pi * va il The A sso ciated Press said Monday that Nixon is still 82
more » ... otes short of the 667 n. •• " Nixon is h donothing rim! K«*agtui in th** n«*vt wars** thins: to Y A ftiUK'C." a INTERVIEWS, Page 2 J MIAMI BEACH, H a . ( NP) -" How in th** hr*!l do you lose an elep h a n t? " the federal agent outside Richard M. Nixon • hcAdqnarter* hotel a*k»*d in litter dism ay. But somehow, Homebody did. \n n a, a 2Vj-year<old elephant which wan nupp**sed to g r eet Nixon on his arrixal here Monday even in g, was i-aus'ht in a crush of p*sipie p a c k e d int** the lobby of the Hilton I'hi la Hotel. Vt one point. Vnrw and her handler ap peared at a g la ss door which had been lucked by federal agen ts for security porp,mea. Vnna's handler pleaded with an agent to let the elephant by to meet Nixon on the in del d rivew ay. " Okay." the agent said, " let the elephant b y. but nobody els**." H ow ever, bv that tim e the elephant had disappeared in tile crowd.
doi:10.26153/tsw/30520 fatcat:lssez2rebzemlnhbgqfpruvkve