Management Centre for Human Values in Indian Institute of Management Calcutta: Human Value Education in Management Institutes

C. Panduranga Bhatta, Pragyan Rath
2017 AIMS International Journal of Management  
In the lines of Frederic Jameson, the endorsement by the Indian Institute of Management Calcutta (IIMC) of the Management Centre for Human Values (MCHV) is the "cultural logic" 1 of global academia. "Global" for us is a postcapitalist American market. We contend that MCHV contributes to social transformation in plural economies in a novel manner, more so because in plural economies transformation is already inevitable. The novelty lies in its institutional function that underscores the powerful
more » ... role that "ownership" as a capitalist ideology plays both in political economy and in the construction of global consuming subjects.
doi:10.26573/2017.11.2.1 fatcat:k2u3gqgjczhkvjemnle725aqr4