Experimental determination of the14N(n,p)14Creaction cross section for thermal neutrons

J. Wagemans, C. Wagemans, G. Goeminne, P. Geltenbort
2000 Physical Review C  
The 17O(n_th,alpha)14C reaction cross section was determined at the high flux reactor of the ILL in Grenoble relative to the known 14N(n_th,p)14C cross section. The 17O(n_th,alpha)14C measurements were performed with several highly enriched oxygen gas samples and the flux calibration was done with 14N_2 from the air. This resulted in a precise value of (244+/-7)mb for the 17O(n_th,alpha)14C cross section.
doi:10.1103/physrevc.61.064601 fatcat:3545zqqu4bfejbg733ofv3q5n4