A Survey of Agricultural Structure and an Agricultural Company in an Employment Deteriorating Area

Makoto HIMI
Journal of Rural Economics  
The purpose of this paper is to clarify the current state of agricultural structure and agricultural companies dependent on employed labor in a deteriorating rural labor market. To do so, we analyzed the structure of wages and agriculture in Nakagawa Village, Nagano. We discovered that employment without seniority-based wages formed a stratum for youth and middle-aged males. But the agricultural structure has not shown part-time farming retention. The wage level of employees in an agricultural
more » ... ompany exceeded the wage level of regular employment that did not use senioritybased wages and was equal to or higher than the wage level of seniority-based wages. On the other hand, the agricultural company employed laborers who receive non-seniority-based wages and they outnumbered those with seniority-based wages. The agricultural company has been developing in a manner similar to that of employment deterioration. Key words:employment deterioration, agricultural structure, rural labor market, part-time farming, wage structure Makoto HIMI(Hokkaido Research Organization
doi:10.11472/nokei.92.1 fatcat:omyqrhovrbbazkfpoz2ra6bfeu