Investigation and Analysis on Racing Car Front Wings

Jin-Jing TAN, Peter MYLER, Wen-An TAN
2017 DEStech Transactions on Engineering and Technology Research  
A great number of studies have been done on aerodynamic test for the racing car. Due to critical competition among the racing car teams, the results of the studies will only been published when they are obsolete. This study was conducted by using the Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) utilising SolidWorksTM to perform simulations about the airflow on the front and rear wings of a racing car with different angles of attack. The analysis generates the theoretical Lift force, Down force, and Drag
more » ... orce for a racing car wing. Consequently, at higher velocity, the down force and interrelated induced drag increases. The maximum speed on a straight part is thus reduced due to the increase in induced drag. Finally, tests from the C15 wind tunnel also show similar trends to those derived from the simulations. Compared with results of Model geometry and wind tunnel tested, it is shown that an angle between -10° and -20° below the horizontal indicates the stalling conditions.
doi:10.12783/dtetr/mdm2016/4896 fatcat:5rfl3hqcqbcxbnnlpukz22yyqe