Regular black holes with stable cores

Alfio Bonanno, Amir-Pouyan Khosravi, Frank Saueressig
2021 Physical Review D  
Non-singular black hole geometries typically come with two spacetime horizons: an (outer) event horizon and an (inner) Cauchy horizon. This nurtures the speculation that they may be subject to a mass-inflation effect which renders the Cauchy horizon unstable. We analyze the dynamics associated with spherically symmetric, regular black holes taking the full backreaction between the infalling matter and geometry into account. On this basis, we identify the crucial features taming the growth of
more » ... mass function and diminishing the curvature singularity at the Cauchy horizon. It is demonstrated explicitly that the regular black hole solutions proposed by Hayward and obtained from Asymptotic Safety satisfy these properties.
doi:10.1103/physrevd.103.124027 fatcat:b536e2yxsjdaxoyh5pylvfqjry