Surface properties of kaolinite particles -- their interactions and flotation considerations

Jing Liu
T h e U n i v e r s i t y o f U t a h G r a d u a t e S c h o o l STATEMENT OF DISSERTATION APPROVAL The dissertation of Jing Liu has been approved by the following supervisory committee members: ABSTRACT Clay minerals, for example kaolinite, have many important applications while at the same time existing as common gangue minerals in the tailings from mineral processing plants during the recovery of valuable resources. To develop improved technology for the processing of kaolinite particles,
more » ... e surface charging properties of kaolinite are studied in this dissertation. In addition, the dissertation objectives include the investigation of
doi:10.26053/0h-0sf4-v8g0 fatcat:jyjb56oaofhurlgp2x25fbrqua