Wide-spectrum, ultrasensitive fluidic sensors with amplification from both fluidic circuits and metal oxide semiconductor field effect transistors

Dongyan Xu, Yuejun Kang, Manoj Sridhar, Anthony B. Hmelo, Leonard C. Feldman, Dongqing Li, Deyu Li
2007 Applied Physics Letters  
The authors report a sensing scheme to detect the translocation of small particles through a fluidic channel. The device connects the gate of a metal oxide semiconductor field effect transistor ͑MOSFET͒ with a fluidic circuit and monitors the FET's drain current to detect particles. They demonstrate that amplification can be achieved from both the fluidic circuit and the MOSFET. The results show that a 0.7% volume ratio of the particle to the sensing microchannel can lead to 28%-56% modulation
more » ... f the MOSFET's drain current. The minimum volume ratio detected is 0.006%, which is about ten times smaller than the lowest detectable volume ratio reported in the literature.
doi:10.1063/1.2753123 fatcat:76anrvr7yrdvfahg57n42cxufq