At the Turn of a New Axial Age: Macro Cycles in American History
На повороте нового «осевого времени»: кризис 2020 г. и макроциклы американской истории

2020 Perspectives and prospects E-journal  
The perception of American history within a paradigm of alternating cycles of conservative and liberal waves is being proved as valid for political prognoses, as it has been widely accepted in academic research since A. Schlesinger Jr.'s book "The Cycles of American History". Accordingly, there are now identified eight political cycles 30-33 years long each. Though towards the end of the XX century American analysts introduced and started promoting a concept of 80 year-long macro cycles. Within
more » ... this pattern the US since their emergence have experienced three macro cycles entering at present into the fourth. The transition has been marked by severe crises and turmoil in American society with implications comparable to those of the War for Independence (1775-1783), Civil War (1861-1865) and American involvement in World War II.
doi:10.32726/2411-3417-2020-2-6-21 fatcat:2puhi2b44bgrvaziokwlkcb3tu