A Biplot-Based PCA Approach to Study the Relations between Indoor and Outdoor Air Pollutants Using Case Study Buildings

He Zhang, Ravi Srinivasan
2021 Buildings  
The 24 h and 14-day relationship between indoor and outdoor PM2.5, PM10, NO2, relative humidity, and temperature were assessed for an elementary school (site 1), a laboratory (site 2), and a residential unit (site 3) in Gainesville city, Florida. The primary aim of this study was to introduce a biplot-based PCA approach to visualize and validate the correlation among indoor and outdoor air quality data. The Spearman coefficients showed a stronger correlation among these target environmental
more » ... urements on site 1 and site 2, while it showed a weaker correlation on site 3. The biplot-based PCA regression performed higher dependency for site 1 and site 2 (p < 0.001) when compared to the correlation values and showed a lower dependency for site 3. The results displayed a mismatch between the biplot-based PCA and correlation analysis for site 3. The method utilized in this paper can be implemented in studies and analyzes high volumes of multiple building environmental measurements along with optimized visualization.
doi:10.3390/buildings11050218 fatcat:46rvxulpuzbz3np7ow2bjl562q