Magnetic susceptibility of CeT3B2and UT3B2compounds (T=Co, Ru, and Ir)

K. N. Yang, M. S. Torikachvili, M. B. Maple, H. C. Ku
1985 Journal of Applied Physics  
The magnetic susceptibility X of CeT3B2 and VT3B2 compounds (T = Co, Ru, and Ir) has been measured as a function of temperature T for 2 K<T<300 K. For each sample,x is weakly temperature dependent above -100 K, and approaches a finite value as T -0, indicative of a nonmagnetic ground state. The intrinsic susceptibility Xo, after correcting for the effect of the impurities at low temperature, ranges from 5.05 X 10-4 cm 3 /mole for CeRu 3 B 2 to 1.33 X 10-3 cm 3 /mole for Vlr 3 B 2 • The ratioS =
more » ... t?k ~xol3.u1r (ris the electronic specific heat coefficient), a rough gauge of exchange enhancement, ranges from 0.9 for Celr 3B2 to 4 for CeC0 3 B 2 .
doi:10.1063/1.335183 fatcat:fogsdvdk5ffzloqkrkehmg7goa