Elastoplastic deformation analysis by return-mapping and consistent tangent modulus tensor based on subloading surface model (2st Report, Deformation analyses of machine elements)

Noriyuki SUZUKI, Koichi HASHIGUCHI, Masami UENO
2014 Transactions of the JSME (in Japanese)  
The implicit stress integration algorithm was devised in the first report by formulating the return-mapping based on the cutting-plane projection and the consistent tangent modulus tensor due to the numerical method for the subloading surface model. It was incorporated into the implicit finite element program ABAQUS/Standard through the User subroutine UMAT. The high accuracy and efficiency in computation was verified by the numerical experiments adopting the one finite element subjected to the
more » ... uniaxial loading under the monotonic and cyclic loadings, comparing with the calculation by the forward-Euler method under infinitesimal strain increments. In this article, the simulations of the test data for the cyclic loading under a constant strain amplitude and the small stress amplitude near the yield state are performed by the implicit finite element program, where the accurate simulation is attained. Further, the boundary-value problems, i.e. the cyclic torsional loading of the notched circular bar and the tensional loading of the flange with the hole attached to the bolt are analyzed by the program. The pertinences of these analyses are verified by comparing with the other implicit method with the nonlinear kinematic hardening model.
doi:10.1299/transjsme.2014smm0356 fatcat:oldnw3rmlfaa7orxw4f7ikn6m4